Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday March 30,2008

Went out this morning expecting to be run off the lake by torrential rains.....Looks like our weather man hit on the head again....Was joined by Jim Appel soon after I went out .....The weather conditions were perfect ....Too bad the fish didn`t cooperate.....I think maybe we rushed off the stick bait bite a little prematurely .....We all want spring here but you can`t rush the water temp....When I went out it was 45.4 ...We found water as warm as 48 derees in the back of O-cove later on in the day.....I caught one fish on a rouge ....The remainder were all caught on jig and pig ......Mostly out of brush and dock corners.....My jig technique was a little rusty and I missed alot of fish I should have caught .....I am sure Jim would concure.....We saw John Bugg on the lake ...He said he and 6 or 7 crappie ....He emailed me later and said he ended up with twice that and A 18 inch bass.....The crappie must be starting to pick up a little .....Good for John bad for the crappie......I caught most of my fish on a peanut butter and jelly jig.....Had to get with the latest fad .......I went to Bass Pro in Independence yesterday......If you ignore the landscaping it is like all the others ......

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Saturday morning March 29,2008

Went out this morning. Made it out at 8:30 or so and fished until noon.... Caught 5 bass and a walleye ....All were caught on a suspending rouge.....It was still a little to cold and breezy to be called springtime....It was 40 degrees when I started and it didn`t warm up too much ....the water temp started out at 44.4 and was 45.8 when I went in ......Jim Appel had a guest from St.Louis with him today... He put Eric on a really nice wiggle wart bass ....He already caught his big fish of the year so I guess he can take the rest of the year off.....I caught one bass that was over 5 pounds .....Jim just happened by and took the picture for me.....Mike Boultinghouse and his buddy Wayne got out at 11:00 they had one in the boat when I talked to them....I also saw that Marty was out but didn`t talk to him.....It sure would be nice to have some good weekend weather ....If anyone has connections could they hook me up......

Fishing 3-28-08

Went fishing with Mike from 5 to 7 friday evening.....We caught 10 bass,3 walleye and a crappie .....I caught mine fish on a stick bait ....Mike caught his on a wiggle wart....First sunny day in a while .....Water temp was around 47 to 48 degrees .....The walleye are making they`re attempt to spawn and are really aggressive.....I was reeling in one and there was another one trying to get the bait out of his mouth..Mike caught one really nice bass around 6 pounds....

Friday, March 28, 2008

After Work 3/27/08

Took my nephew out for a little on thursday pm...we caught 2 bass ......I also lost my favorite stick bait lifting a bass into the pontoon boat......Note use net laying right next to you to bring 3.5 pound bass into boat.....If anyone catches a bass with a stick bait hanging out of his mouth it is mine...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Bugg Report

John E-mailed a fishing report and picture today ....Got to spend a few hours on the lake on tuesday. There were several boats out fishing. David Stockwell ,Hank and a couple I didn`t recognize. The water was 40 degrees. The cool nights must of dropped it. The bass wouldn`t leave my bait alone. Caught several nice bass one was a 20 incher. Also caught a fat 18 inch walleye that was full of eggs .I caught her at scrutchfield attractor. Crappie fishing was so so. I cleaned 4 but hank said he had 15 or 20........John Bugg ...... If anybody has a fishing report,story or picture I will be happy to post for all to see......I went out for a few minutes tuesday caught one bass ....I saw Bonnie out fishing glad to see that she is back at it .......See you on the Lake

Sunday, March 23, 2008

On the lake 3/22/08

Went fishing saturday with Mike Boultinghouse...We were out for 4 hours nothing good to report it was tough.....I talked to John Bugg and Will Hamilton at c-point ...They said the crappie fishing has been really tough so far this year....John said he caught 6 or 7 the other day and that has been the most so far....Fear not this will improve soon ....I talked to Jim Appel and he was still out fishing .....I jumped in the boat with him and his neighbor We caught around 10 bass in a couple hours ....the temp really started to drop ....They dropped me at my truck and I went home...talked to him later and he said they fished a short time and caught 2 more before they went in....All of the bass were caught on stick baits ....we have caught a few on spinner baits and jigs.....The water temp was 45 to 47 degrees ....The wind was out of the north east ...

Friday, March 21, 2008

3/21/2008 Boultinghouse

Here are a couple of bass sent to me by Mike Boulting house.

Fish will be hitting everything soon

It won`t be long before the fish will be hitting everything .....I found these pictures from april 1,2004 .....I caught fish on about every kind of bait there is...I can`t remember wfat the weathewr was like in the early spring and late winter of 2004....It can`t be that far off...


John took tjis picture several years ago .Brian Rennaker caught caught this grass carp below the dam. He actually got in the water and caught it. It was one of two that were trapped in the water below the dam .It was 47 inches long the weight is unknown.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fishing with Appel

Jim Appel called tonite and we went fishing for an hour or so .....He caught 2 and I caught 1 spinner bait and jig were our baits....One of Jim`s fish was around 6 pounds

Hank`s bass

Hank sent me a couple pictures today of fish he caught ....The bass was 9 pounds... don`t know the story behind the walleye

Monday, March 17, 2008

Lake after rain on 3-17-2008

We had enough rain today to cause some serious runoff ...This the mud line in O-cove pretty sharp line ......There is also a picture of W-1 getting pretty muddy .....The other is of the water going over the dam....Somebody better get out a catch the trout before they are all down stream...If it was a little warmer a rain like this can rapidly warm the areas receiving the run-off and really turn on the fish...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Crappie structure

This is a picture of the artifical structure the fishing club is planning to sink in the lake....I believe Glen Vining is the chief engineer of the project ......We have alotted $1000.00 for purchase of matierals for this ....I don`t know how much each one will cost but these will be a lasting structure for fishing for years to come ....John and Glen have done a great job these .....The lake tempature on sunday was from 41 to 42.5 degrees ....We need some sunny days to get the fishing moving in a positive direction

Sunday march 16

Fishing and weather wise this was lame weekend....Ready for some decent weather ......Was out the other day and had a camera malfunction and it didnt get much better . Mike Finley emailed me a picture of another bass he caught earlier in the week ....I also got a picture of Will Hamilton out fishing .Don`t know how his day went ....Sharon Bugg was also out with John I`m sure they were out harassing the crappie population.....You just have to take advantage of the good weather as it comes the fish will be ready to turn on very soon....

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Nice fish

Nice fish but check out the water level in the back ground ....Does anybody remember that mess?

Good`ol Days

I found these two old pictures ...they are of 2 fish I caught back to back at smithville probably 14 years ago .....both were over 4 pounds

Camera malfunction

My apologies to Mike Finley and Will Hamilton .....I was out on the lake Yesterday evening and took pictures and the new camera I just bought produced nothing but a blank screen sorry......I also went by glen`s house and took pictures of the crappie structures they built .....They look awesome ...I will have to go by and take some more to put on....The fish weren`t very cooperative either ....Tried throwing wiggle wart with no results caught a few on stick bait ...One really nice crappie also...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Smallmouth bass poll

Final smallmouth poll .....32 people total voted 24 were in favor of smallmouth stocking only 8 against .....this pretty clear results

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Big Walleye

This is a 31 inch walleye I caught about 3 or 4 years ago...... He was released ,if he still lives in the lake I couldn`t imagine how big he is now......

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

ice fishing

Hopefully we won`t see Guy Genske out doing this again until next year!!!!!!!

Appel @ it again

Jim Appel called tonite and asked if I wanted to go fish for an hour or so.....That`s all he needed to catch 2 more nice bass. Not much of a host though ...the only fish I hooked he made me lose.......Well it couldn`t have been me.........Well it was probably me ....Alright it was me....But the stick bait seems to be holding on....Look out rumor has it Hank will be fishing all day tomorrow....All the fish will be sore mouthed so get out early.....