Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Out in force

We weren`t the only ones with the idea to go fishing on a tuesday evening .....Everybody but my brother was out ...I think I may of even spotted my brother.....See you on the lake

Fishing after work 4/29/2008

Took the pontoon out after work .....My little Janey went out with me we caught 6 or 7 bass in about an hour ... The bass are right on the bank .....They are on the beds .....The crappie should be right behind them.....See you on the lake...

Fishing Sunday April 27,2008

Went fishing with Mike Boultinghouse From 10:30 to Around 3:30 .....Fishing was pretty good ....Mike caught a real big bass up in the north end .....We probably caught 25 or so bass total the bulk of which were caught on jig and pig .....most were in the 14 to 17 inch range .....We saw Hanh he said he had 10 or so crappie he was going in to get his daughter to take her out ....Don`t know how they did later on.....We also saw John he was out trolling for trout ....He caught the most cancerous looking trout We have every seen ....The picture doesn`t do it justice.....The big bass Mike caught was spawned out and had a bloody tail from fanning....See you on the lake ....Recorded first 60 degree water temp of the year

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Fishing April 26,2008

Went fishing this morning at 7:30 am ......The bass were biting pretty good .....Caught around 25 before I went in at 12:30...I caught 2 that were over 5 lbs .....One was close to six ....Most were males in the 14 to 16 inch range.....The males are ready for the spawn ...The females are making them wait...Sounds kind of familiar for some reason....All but one bass was caught on a jig it was caught on a spinner bait on the first cast....100 casts later no more ont the spinner.....Hopefully I will get a chance to get out tomorrow .....See you on the lake

More photos from artifical habitat

Here are some more pictures sent in by John ....Glen worked on the pontoon motor and hopefully it is fixed for a while....John also said crappie fishing has been bad ......this to shall change soon.... The male bass are starting to stake the banks and defend aggressivly....I went out for a short time friday and caught 5 or 6 on a jig

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Vining Habitat Project

The fishing club met and assembled then sunk 4 of a propsed 12 artifical fish habitats/attactors....I am not privy to they`re location at this time.... They should be a great addition to our xmas tree program .....They should be something that will be able to be utilized for many years to come...The trees don`t have a very long life once they are sunk....1 or 2 years at the max....The cedar trees from a couple of years ago will last much longer ......I wish to acknowledge Glen Vining for his efforts in keeping this project in a foward motion towards completion ....Without his research and proactive attitude we may never have accomplished this in such a timely manner ......Outstanding thank you Glen.....Now if i can just get him onboard the smallmouth express we can really get things rolling.......See you on the lake.......

Monday, April 21, 2008

artifical habitat tuesday

Tuesday 4-22 Fishing club will meet to sink Artifical Habitat at Venita boat ramp @ 9:30 am .....They could use everyone who can make it`s help

Tournament on the lake with Appels

Jim Appel had his brother and brother in-law down for a 4 day fish fest.....They had pretty tough fishing conditions thursday and friday....They still managed to catch some fish though.....They did manage to miss the good action on saturday morning ......The sun cleared out the clouds and shut down the bite in the afternoon...They did catch a few but said they had to work for them.....We all were going to meet out on the lake sunday morning...Mike Boultinghouse came up with the idea of a big fish tournament we all agreed to meet back at Jim`s dock at noon....We all put ten bucks up.....We started at 8:00 .....I started out slow but caught a few keepers on a jig to get me started around 9:00 then caught 5 or 6 fish on a crawdad wiggle wart .....I called Jim they said they were having a tough time so I passed on my tip on the wiggle wart...I caught a couple keepers on a lizzard in o-cove .....When 11:00 came around I headed back towards jim`s dock and fished in the u-cove area......Caught a couple short fish on the wart on rocky point .....Finished up with the jig and caught a few more keepers on it ......Mike and Jim never got on track and Bill and mike caught some good fish .....I believe the biggest one was caught in the area of venita ....The final weigh was close big fish was 3.4 and 2nd big fish was 3.3 ......If the others guys would send me the story of how they`re day went I would put on the blog.....All I caught were male fish the big girls havn`t started movig up yet.......See you on the lake ....More little tournaments like this would be awesome fun....Let me know if anyone is interested.....ALL FISH WERE SAFELY RETURNED TO THE LAKE UNHARMED TO FIGHT AGAIN ANOTHER DAY............

Fishing Saturday Morning 4-19

Went fishing saturday morning for around 3 hours staarted at 7:30......The bass were doing pretty good ....The muddy water slowed them a bit and cooled the water some.....Hank told me the crappie had completely shut off since the muddy water took over the whole lake.....Well muddy for this lake I should say ....water temp was right at 49 degrees .....The early cloud cover it didn`t warm at all before i went in ...All of my fish were caught on a jig & pig ... See you on the Lake

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

More and better pictures

Ray Stockwell gave these pictures of our tree party on Sunday .....I took the ones with my camera on my phone .....They finished up the trees and we ended up with 14 brush piles .....Most were additions to previous sites ....There were a few new spots....Thanks to all that helped.....We couldn`t do it without great volunteers ...Now all we need is some good weather and we can start reaping the benifits .....See you on the lake .....Take a kid fishing

fishing report from J.Bugg

It was a good ay on the lake this afternoon for crappie.When I first went out at 12:30 the only other boat was the bailey brothers. Saw Glen Vining and Bill Herzog later.I ended up with 28 crappie.Caught them all on minnows except for 6 which were on jigs....They even started hbitting dead minnows ....I found out because I ran out of live ones....Water temp was 45 to 48 when I quit at 4:30....Will was gracious enough to help me clean fish...Now that`s a good friend ...John Bugg This a file photo of John This report was from Monday April 14,2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

Fishing club structure party

The fishing club gathered at Venita boat ramp to sink the gathered Christmas trees in the lake.....This is one things that fishing club does to insure the fishing stays up to the level our residents have come to expect......It is no easy task ...It can be some pretty labor intensive work.....There is also a danger factor of falling in or being dragged in by a tree into 48 degree water ....The boat crew is encouraged to wear a life vest at all times .....The reward is well worth the risk ......We are planning to drop in our artifcal habitat the Glen and John have been working on....These should be great additions to our tree drops.....Good fishing to all and see you on the lake....Yes please Tell Neil we did`nt miss his dock....

Pre tree party fishing Sunday

Went out Sunday before our brush sinking party with fishing club.....Mike Boultinghouse joined me a little after I got out.....We did`nt kill them or anything....We did manage to catch some good bass...The bass Mike is holding I missed and told him to cast by a dock and bam he nailed it...I am one heck of a nice host....It was the biggest one we caught in our couple hours of fishing...

Fishing in the snow

Went out saturday april 12 .....You don`t expect to have driving snow and sleet in mid april.....Nobody told mother nature ....I still managed to catch some nice bass....I caught all of my fish on a jig and zoom craw combo...I also saw to new residents out putting thier new dock sticker on .....Laren and Julius wanted to see my fish ...All I had was pictures... Julius tried out one of my fishing rods...The water temp was around 48 degees...
The water has really cleared up since our last rain...My biggest fish around 4.5 lb.....We sure could use some warm weather....The water should be mid to upper 50`s by now....See you on the lake