Friday, July 11, 2008

John Bugg post

Weatherby Lake Fishing Club

If you missed the picnic on July 7th, you missed some really great food and great times. Thanks goes out to Hank and Virginia Nussbeck who done the grilling.

The Weatherby Lake Fishing Club has cookbooks, t-shirts and caps available at the fishing clubs’ meetings. The cookbooks are $5.00 and the caps are $10.00 and $15.00. T-shirts are $15.00 that has the Weatherby Lake logo on it. If you are interested in a t-shirt or cap, call John Bugg at 741-8359.

There will not be a fishing club meeting in August. The next monthly fishing club meeting will be September 8th and will be at C Point at 7 p.m. The fishing club meetings are open to anyone and we invite everyone to come and bring your kids.

Have you noticed schools of fish surfacing all around the lake? These are schools of shad that are one of the main food sources for fish population in the lake. The bass will feed on these shad. When the shad are working the surface of the water you can actually throw a top water lure or silver spoon into the school of shad. The bass will hit the lure thinking it is a shad. The fishing club encourages that you practice catch and release on all bass. There is a 15 inch minimum on Weatherby Lake.

Our next fish fry will be September 28th. Mark your calendars now.

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